nak jadi cemerlang???/

Masa jalan-jalan dialam maya,terjumpa la benda ni...

Artikal tu bertajuk"18 Rules For A Successful Life"
1-Pursue achievable goals
2-Keep a genuine smile
3-Share with others
4-Help thy neighbours
5-Maintain and youthful spirit
6-Get along with the rich, the poor, the beautiful, and the ugly
7-Keep cool under pressure
8-Lighten the atmosphere with humor
9-Forgive the annoyance of others
10-Have few pals
11-Cooperate and reap greater rewards
12-Treasure every moment with your loved ones
13-Have high confidence in yourself
14-Respect the disadvantaged
15-Indulge yourself occasionally
16-Surf the net at leisure
17-Take calculated risks
18-Understand"Money Is Not Everything..."
Itulah antara tip-tip untuk berjaya dalam hidup....yang baik kita ambil tauladan dan yang buruk kita ambil sempadan.Yang penting bagi saya, selagi apa yang kita buat tu perkara yang betul dan menepati syara' itulah kejayaan sejati kerana redha Allah Ta'ala adalah segala-galanya.Wallahu 'alam.....


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